Program Requirements
Students in the Dietetics Program have requirements to complete outside of coursework. These include various required trainings, orientations, and other activities related to practice education or being in a health professional program. Students are required to enroll in the Dietetics Canvas site for their respective cohort. Details will be communicated to students upon program admission.
Course Requirements
The UBC Academic Calendar is the official guide for course requirements. Please note students are required to follow the version of degree requirements for the year they were admitted to the Faculty/Dietetics Major.
Registration Troubleshooting
If you are having course registration challenges, try the below listed troubleshooting suggestions:
Courses are sequenced to support progressive learning, so we strongly recommend that students take courses in the order listed on the UBC Calendar.
If your course schedule is full and you need to bump a course to 4th year, consult a Dietetics Advisor about the best course deferral option.
Some 4th year courses require 4th year status or year 3 prerequisite courses, in which case you cannot enroll in these courses while in year 3. If you have extra room in your schedule, you may wish to register for some restricted elective courses.
Make sure to register on (or as close to) your personalized registration date as possible. If you miss the date, you will lose your registration priority and may not be able to access the courses you need.
LFS and FNH courses: Contact to request admission on the basis of the course being required for the Dietetics Major. In the meantime, register for the course waitlist, if there is one.
Courses outside of LFS: Contact the course coordinator/instructor to request admission on the basis of the course being required for the Dietetics Major.
This often occurs for university or college transfer students (if transfer credits granted aren’t for the identical course needed as a prerequisite).
If the course you need is an FNH course, contact for assistance.
IMPORTANT: If the course is from outside the faculty (e.g., CAPS 301, BIOC 302), prior to registration, assemble the documentation you will need to consult the course coordinator/instructor to request permission to register (i.e., copy of the transcript from transfer institution(s), any applicable course descriptions/course outlines). Once registration opens, and prior to your personalized registration date and time, email the course coordinator/instructor to request permission to register on the basis of this being a required program course, attaching relevant documentation.
The program does not have control over student access to elective courses. You may wish to contact the course coordinator/instructor to request permission to register for the course or to join a waitlist.
If you have taken a course elsewhere that you believe is equivalent to a program course, contact a Dietetics Advisor to inquire about an exemption. To be approved, you will have to share course material to demonstrate equivalency of the courses. We may require the assistance of a subject matter expert to perform this assessment, so make your request as far in advance of your registration date that you can.
If you are exempted from a course, you still need to achieve the equivalent number of credits through other coursework to meet credit requirements for graduation.
Contact the course coordinator/instructor with queries. The program does not have decision-making on this issue.
LFS Student Services will update your Academic Progress Report (APR) during the summer, and will contact you by email to notify you once this is complete.
The standard per term course load is 5 courses (15 credits). If it is absolutely necessary to take a heavier course load to meet program course requirements, you may register for up to 18 credits, although this is not an ideal situation. Consult a Dietetics Advisor if you are facing challenges in scheduling courses within allowable credits.
Elective Requirements
Students admitted to the UBC Dietetics Major must fulfill restricted electives. Restricted electives are to be chosen from the list of approved electives, or by consultation with a Dietetics Advisor. To be approved, electives must include course content that does not overlap substantively with content of required prerequisite or program courses.
For approval of electives not on the list below, a call for request forms will be sent out twice a year only, in early September and early January on Canvas.
Approved Courses
Please log into the Workday Student to search course availability.
Placement Requirements
A detailed list of requirements will be communicated to students via the Dietetics Student Canvas site prior to practice education.
Program Accreditation Status
The Dietetics Program – Undergraduate is currently awarded “Full Accreditation” status. Our accreditation status serves as an important demonstration of our commitment to providing quality education in alignment with accreditation and regulatory requirements for the dietetics profession.
In 2024, the Dietetics Program – Undergraduate has been transitioned to a new accreditation provider, EQual. EQual is Accreditation Canada’s specialized health professional education accreditation program. If you require additional information regarding our accreditation status and endeavors and/or any potential implications this may have on your future abilities to practice as a healthcare professional, we encourage you to reach out to Kara Vogt, Dietetics Education Coordinator.